Brand Positioning
Year — 2018
Year — 2018

The Magnum ice cream has an iconic shape, that while other brands have copied, Magnum still owns it.
The objective was to leverage this iconic shape and make it iconic and synonymous with pleasure.
However, in order to make it relevant with our target audience it was executed through the art world which is
a platform relevant to the target audience. Thomas Danthony, a well know illustrator was commissioned to take the iconic shape of the Magnum and express his take on pleasure as an outdoor campaign.
The objective was to leverage this iconic shape and make it iconic and synonymous with pleasure.
However, in order to make it relevant with our target audience it was executed through the art world which is
a platform relevant to the target audience. Thomas Danthony, a well know illustrator was commissioned to take the iconic shape of the Magnum and express his take on pleasure as an outdoor campaign.

Rolland Garros poster